Project Canterbury

Literary Remains of J. H. Shorthouse
edited by His Wife

London: Macmillan, 1905

Early Essays [1854-1874]

My Fever
Twenty Miles
Books versus Books
Recollections of a London Church
The Ringing of the Bells
Suggestions of the 'Epitaphs'
An Essay which is No Essay
The Successor of Monsieur Le Sage
Sundays at the Seaside
The 'Morte D'Arthur' and the 'Idylls of the King'
The 'Paradise Lost'
On True and False Supernaturalism
The Autumn Walk
Religio Historici
Nature's Homily
The End of Learning
The Last of the Rabbis
Ars Vitae

Later Essays

The Platonism of Wordsworth
The Humorous in Literature
Golden Thoughts from the Spiritual Guide
Frederick Denison Maurice
Of Restraining Self-Denial in Art


A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Child in the Grave
The Fordhams of Severnstoke
A Sunday Afternoon

Early Poems

A Shadow of George Herbert
The Little Graveyard
My Wife's Valentine

Project Canterbury