Project Canterbury

Objections to Missions Answered

Wellington: N.Z. Anglican Board of Missions, 1932.

Transcribed by the Right Reverend Dr. Terry Brown
Bishop of Malaita, Church of the Province of Melanesia, 2006

Objections to Missions Answered.


1. That the lives and money spent of the Mission Field could be put to better use at home.


(a) If the Church, in its infancy, had listened to this objection, we would not be enjoying the privileges of the Gospel to-day.

(b) It is unnecessary to set off the home-land against foreign lands. "The field is the World." It is the Church's duty to win the world.

(c) Consider the reflex action of Missionary enterprise on the home Church (see Acts, chapters 15 and 21). Are Missionary-minded Churches usually dead Churches?

(d) The whole World is becoming more and more a unity. Do you say Christian England first? You cannot get a Christian England without a Christian India. The World is a single front. In a great estate, does a man cultivate only the front garden until it is perfect? Does he not attend to all parts together>

[2] 2. Why attempt to thrust Christianity upon nations and peoples who have religions of their own?


(a) In the first place, this is not done. No religious opinions can possibly be thrust on any one. A man either believes or does not believe. You cannot make him.

(b) Christianity is presented to all mankind because it is the absolute religion. Jesus Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to the Father but my Me." There is no future for any race except in the Kingdom of God, and there is no Kingdom of God possible without Jesus Christ. How, then, can we withhold Him from the nations?

(c) Because of the fruits of the World religions. Compare the fruits of Buddhism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism and Fetish Worship, with that of Christianity.

3. That converts are little better, morally, than the Heathen, and some are worse--e.g., "Rice" Christians.


This objection is frequently brought forward by those whose experience in non-Christian countries has been confined to ports and servants. There the objection has a certain amount of force, as many so-called native Christians are mere place-hunters.

Further inland, and amongst other occupations, the objection fails utterly. In the South of India the lives of the outcaste converts have been so [2/3] changed, purified and uplifted, as to attract the attention of the caste people, some thousands of whom have recently become Christians.

4. That Christianity has a de-nationalising influence.


This objection has been disproved over and over again in China and India, where the Christians are keen patriots, though unwilling to follow foolish leadership in nationalism.

5. That Missions are a source of disturbance and endanger international peace.


This is an old objection (see Acts 16 and 17). Looking at St. Paul's work in the light of history, it is well that he did "turn the World upside down." Yet it is not Christianity that makes the disturbance, but evil, entrenched in ancient customs and high places. We cannot let evil remain undisturbed. Jesus Himself foresaw that His Gospel would be the occasion of strife. Yet that Gospel, in the end, leads to peace.

We may go further, and say that the spread of Christianity is the only hope of permanent peace in the World. The League of Nations itself is dependent on Christian sentiment.

[4] 6. "We cannot meet our own expenses. No money must go out of the parish."


WE have all sympathy with harassed treasurers. But they will not help their own finances by objecting to Missions. God has to be reckoned with; disobedience to Him brings disaster. Human beings have also to be reckoned with. If they are encouraged to give to Missions, they give also to home expenses. Hundreds of parishes prove this.


---Printed by the N.Z. Anglican Board of Missions,
49 Ballance Street, Wellington.
April, 1932.
Wright & Carman, Ltd
177 Vivian St. Wellington

Project Canterbury