Project Canterbury

Churchmanship and Labour
Sermons on Social Subjects Preached at S. Stephen's Church, Walbrook.

Compiled by the Rev. W. Henry Hunt.

London: Skeffington and Son, 1906.

By the Rev. Canon H. Scott Holland, M.A., D.D.

Sermon I. Deus Ultionum. Psalm xciv.

Sermon II. Misericordiam et Judicium. Psalm ci.

Sermon III. Domine Exaudi. Psalm cii.

By George W. E. Russell, M.A., LL.D., Lay-Reader in the Diocese of Southwark.

Sermon IV. The Church v. Individualism.

Sermon V. The Church a Brotherhood.

Sermon VI. The Church an Army.

Sermon VII. The Church and Citizenship.

Sermon VIII. The Church According to Kingsley.

By the Rev. F. Lewis Donaldson, M.A., Vicar of S. Mark's, Leicester.

Sermon IX. The Church and the New Labour Movement.

Sermon X. The Church and the "Labour Church."

Sermon XI. The Social Redemption of the Unemployed

Sermon XII. The Social Redemption of the Outcast and Poor.

Sermon XIII. The Apotheosis of Labour.

By the Rev. Canon A. W. Jephson, M.A., Vicar of S. John's, Walworth

Sermon XIV. Moral Advance.

Sermon XV. Spiritual Completeness.

By the Rev. P.N. Waggett, M.A., S.S.J.E.

"Marks of a Progressive Society"

Sermon XVI. Co-Ordination.

Sermon XVII. Co-Ordination (continued).

Sermon XVIII. Liberty.

By the Rev. Conrad Noel.

"The City of God"

Sermon XIX. The Ideal City.

Sermon XX. The Cities of Dreadful Night.

Sermon XXI. Laying the Foundations.

Sermon XXII. Building the City.

Sermon XXIII. Building for Eternity.

By the Rev. Percy Dearmer, M.A., Vicar of S. Mary's, Primrose Hill.

"The Lord's Prayer."

Sermon XXIV. Hallowed Be Thy Name.

Sermon XXV. Thy Kingdom Come.

Sermon XXVI. Thy Will Be Done.

Sermon XXVII. Our Daily Bread.

Sermon XXVIII. Forgiveness and Deliverance.


FOR genuine sympathy with the labouring classes each of these preachers is more or less distinguished, having tried for years to rouse the Conscience of the Church and Nation to a full and true sense of duty and privilege in this regard. One of them has the distinction of having walked at the head of 1,200 "Unemployed," from Leicester to London and back to service in their Parish Church, for the purpose of demonstrating the urgent need of Parliamentary legislation and voluntary aid on the subject.

We live in an age by no means free from antagonisms between Capital and Labour--some open, others concealed--and it has never been more distinctly obligatory upon individual Christian men and women to learn what they can of possible solutions for this and the kindred problems of Social Order and Civil Allegiance harnessed along with it.

The Fatherhood of God is clearly the basis of true Churchmanship, and the only reasonable basis between employer and employed consists in a Social Compact between individual men, acting in accordance with the moral and social impulses of their nature. In the strong belief that much profit will ensue from a right recognition of the labour of the Workman and the religion of the Churchman these Sermons have been preached and published.


Project Canterbury